Monday 14 October 2013

Cllr Brian Holmes - A sad loss

Recent days have drawn tributes from across the political divide for Cllr Brian Holmes the Mayor of Wakefield who sadly died suddenly a week ago.

Brian was inducted as Mayor in May and since that time along with his wife and Mayoral Consort, Cllr Mrs Janet Holmes had proved to be model first citizens and ambassadors for the people of Wakefield.

His manner and approach fitted the role to perfection and his experience as a Football Referee stood him in great stead in the council chamber.

For information, in addition to countless public occasions, frequently visiting schools, charities, community groups, sporting events on an almost daily basis, on hand for visiting dignitaries, officiating at openings and memorably in July greeting and taking the salute when the Yorkshire Regiment came to exercise their freedom of the city as they marched with bayonets fixed, colours flying and band playing through the centre of Wakefield. The Mayor also acts as Chairman at the monthly meetings of Full Council in Wakefield where the political divide can be at its most cavernous.

That has proved to be challenging over the years for the incumbent of the Big Chair in the Council Chamber. Surrounded by advisers including the Council Solicitor, escorted by his Deputy, Chaplain and Mace Bearer the Mayor is Chairman of those meetings and directs proceedings that can range form somewhat cordial through to tense and sometimes undiplomatic and heated.

In the meetings he conducted, Brian never needed to fall back on a Red or Yellow card to calm matters. A raised eyebrow invariably sufficed.

A good man, potentially a great mayor a sad loss to family and friends and a sad loss to the City of Wakefield. 

He will be missed.

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